As a passionate optimist and good vibes enthusiast, it's my objective to radiate those feelings throughout my work. I'm a "heart-ist." Every time a new piece is created, it's made with the purpose to inspire, to love, and to encourage yourself and others. They're visual feel goods.
Most illustrations are paired with a positive message, written by me. Hearts are found on the foreheads of all people and animals as a reminder to think and act in a loving way. What's love got to do with it? Everything. This is how we save our world!

The number 18 holds a special place in my heart. Aside from being born on the 18th day, the digits also connect to the Hebrew word, "chai" (חי), which translates to life. The numerical value for "chai" is 18. Therefore, the number prompts me to link the value of life + love. To love is to live and it's important to share and to practice that idea.

2017: First art show - just a table!

2018: First convention center show

2019: Outdoor set up

2021: Art Shop & Studio is born!
I've always been "the art kid" ever since I could pick up a crayon and graduated from Savannah Arts Academy (high school) and Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). It wasn't until six years after college that I started to pursue making a living from my art.
My first art show was in 2017. That lit a fire in me and I traveled three weekends out of every month, selling my work at various art shows and markets across the Southeast. After five years straight of doing that, hundreds of markets and shows, I decided to make the jump to leave my full-time job so that I could travel further and sell my art across the nation.
Two months later, I had the opportunity to open my very own art shop + studio, right in my hometown of Savannah, Georgia. A total dream come true!! In the Summer of 2021, I officially become a shop owner and have been happily creating ever since.
Come visit and see my illustrations in person and take a peek into my happy little sliver in the world, it's sure to tug at your heartstrings.
Love & Gratitude